Home - This is the home page
States Profiles - This page has links to profiles of all states and Union Territories of India
Nobel Laureates - This page has profiles of all the Nobel Prize Winners of India
National Info - This page has informations like national flag, national anthem etc.
Indian History - History of India
This is divided into four parts:
Ancient India
Medieval India
Modern India
Historical Maps
Geography - Some Geographical Features of India
Gallery - A comprehensive gallery of photos which provide a glimpse of India.
Bunny's Indian Recipe - Consists of some mouthwatering recipes of India presented by our chef Bunny Bear
Banner Exchange - A banner exchange programme
Awards I have won - The awards that have been awarded to India Info Centre
Webrings - The webrings of which I am proud to be part of
Spirit Page - The spirit page of India Info Centre with links to further pages showing the spirit of different web competitions.
Voting Page - A one stop voting page listing all the places where you can vote for India Info Centre
The midi titled "Tabi no Totyu de" playing is performed by Yuko Ohigashi and used with permission. Click below to visit her website.